===== Archive of old-fashioned & buggy notes ===== A list of my old-fashioned, unmaintained and not really useful notes. I'm keeping them just for historical purposes, but they refer to unsecure and not-used-anymore programs and operating systems. Use them at your own risk (or, better, DO NOT USE them). ==== Zabbix 4.X ==== * [[notes:zabbix4-ubuntu16-install|Install Zabbix Server 4.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS]] * [[notes:install-zabbix4-agent-on-ubuntu16-debian9|Install Zabbix Agent 4.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS / Debian 9]] * Templates * [[https://github.com/emanueleg/zabbix-templates|SNMP QNAP Template]] - v3.x tested with Zabbix 3.x and 4.0 * [[https://github.com/emanueleg/zabbix-templates|SNMP APC ATS Template]] - v3.x tested with Zabbix 3.x and 4.0 ==== Zabbix 2.X ==== * [[notes:zabbix-debian7-install|Install Zabbix Server 2.2 in Debian 7 (Wheezy)]] * [[notes:zabbix-agent-debian7-install|Install Zabbix Agent 2.2/2.4 in Debian 7 (Wheezy)]] * [[notes:zabbix-apcupsd-without-snmp|APC UPS Monitoring using apcupds (without SNMP)]] * [[notes:zabbix-long-queues|Fix long queues (too many delayed items)]] * [[notes:zabbix-active-agent|Configure an Active Agent]] * [[notes:zabbix-qnap-template|Improved SNMP Zabbix 2.0 Template for QNAP devices]] * [[notes:zabbix-mysql-template|Monitor MySQL using Zabbix Agent and MySQL App Template]] ==== SNMP ==== * [[notes:net-snmp-errors-updated|How to fix net-snmp SNMPv2-PDU error in Debian 9]] * [[notes:net-snmp-errors|How to fix net-snmp errors in Debian 7]] ==== Mail Server ==== * [[notes:mailserver|Simple Mail server - Part 1 - Setup mail server for alias-based forwarding]] * [[notes:mailboxesetc|Simple Mail server - Part 2 - Add MailBoxes, WebMail, AntiSpam etc]] * [[notes:fail2ban|Simple Mail server - Part 3 - Enable Fail2ban for your mail server]] * [[notes:fakemail|Setup a fake/test mail server with Python]] * [[notes:mailqueue|Manage Postfix mail queue]] * [[notes:send-mail-from-cli|Send mails from command line]] * [[notes:fix-log-errors|Fix (un)common errors in /var/log/mail.log]] * [[notes:postfix-stunnel-smtps|Relaying mail with Postfix and Stunnel through an SMTPS smarthost on port 465]] ==== PDF ==== * [[notes:Use Page Ranges in PyPDF2 PdfFileMerger]] * [[notes:Change PDF image quality with gs]] ==== Misc ==== * [[notes:xampp-netstat|Fix XAMPP netstat command not found]] * [[notes:remmina-vnc-raspberry|Connect to Raspberry Pi OS via VNC using Remmina]] * [[notes:setup-wireguard-vpn-on-debian9|Setup a VPN Server with WireGuard on Debian 9]] * [[notes:unifi58-on-ubuntu16-install|Install UniFi controller 5.8 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS]] * [[notes:webcame-timelapse|Grab a webcam and create a time-lapse video]] * [[notes:compress-canon-eos-mov-to-mkv|Compress Canon EOS MOV videos to MKV (and save up to 90% space)]] * [[notes:apt-trick|Some tricks and useful-to-remember apt options]] * [[notes:batch-image-processing|Batch image processing with mogrify]] * [[notes:ubuntu-apt-mirror|Let apt choose the fastest mirror for you]] * [[notes:install-python-3.4-and-mysql-connector-on-debian-7-wheezy|Use Python 3.4 + MySQL Connector on Debian 7 Wheezy]] * [[notes:upgrade-wheezy-to-wheezy-backports|Update Debian Wheezy using backports]] * [[notes:remmina-rdp-unable-to-connect-error|Fix Remmina RDP "Unable to connect" error]] * [[notes:tftp-server-ubuntu|Install TFTP server in Ubuntu]] * [[notes:webradios|URLs for live streams of Italian radios]] * [[notes:tinywires_library_for_arduino|TinyWireS Arduino Library for ATtiny44]] * [[notes:aggressive-fail2ban-settings|Aggressive fail2ban settings]] * [[notes:Install LaTeX on Ubuntu 17]] * [[notes:Avoid duplicated cron jobs with flock]] * Scout * {{:wiki:grande-gioco-di_bertoldo.pdf|Il grande gioco di Bertoldo}} * ESP8266 * [[esp8266:general-hardware-info|ESP8266 - General hardware info]] * [[esp8266:firmware-programming|ESP8266 - Firmware and Arduino programming info]] * [[esp8266:open-hardware-dev-board|ESP8266 - Open hardware dev board]]