====== Home ====== ===== About me ====== **Emanuele Goldoni**, Freelance IT Consultant and Technical Trainer: see my [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/emanuelegoldoni/|LinkedIn profile]], my [[https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=Q5R_JV0AAAAJ|Publications on Google Scholar]]. ===== Libri ===== * Tecnici * Emanuele Goldoni, [[books#lavorare_con_raspberry_pi|Lavorare con Raspberry Pi]], ed. [[https://www.sanditlibri.it/|Sandit Libri]] (2013) * Emanuele Goldoni, [[books#diventa_maker_con_le_schede_per_l_elettronica_fai_da_te|Diventa Maker con le schede per l'elettronica fai da te]], ed. [[https://www.sanditlibri.it/|Sandit Libri]] (2014) * Fantascienza (curatela) * AA.VV., [[https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0B2HK8898|Fantastica Domenica: Sei racconti da «La Domenica del Corriere»]], ed. [[https://bananasprint.com/|Bananasprint]] (2022) * Eugène Mouton (autore), Emanuele Goldoni (traduttore) [[https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0BFVCLQST|Il Cronoscopio: L'Historioscope]], ed. [[https://bananasprint.com/|Bananasprint]] (2022) * Giuseppe Lipparini, [[https://www.amazon.it/dp/B09PHG43TD|Il signore del tempo]], ed. [[https://bananasprint.com/|Bananasprint]] (2022) - Ebook gratis scaricabile sul sito [[https://bananasprint.com/|Bananasprint]] * Giovanni Bertinetti, [[https://www.amazon.it/dp/B08RRJ92L1|Ipergenio il disinventore]], ed. [[https://bananasprint.com/|Bananasprint]] (2021) ===== Code ===== * [[https://github.com/emanueleg/rpi-eink-clock|e-Ink smart clock / system monitor / Nobel-info card viewer for Raspberry Pi]] * [[https://github.com/emanueleg/cern-httpd|CERN httpd web server reborn - the first webserver modified to compile with gcc 8+ and run on modern Linux distributions]] * [[https://github.com/emanueleg/assolo|ASSOLO - Available bandwidth Smart Sampling OnLine tOol]] * [[https://github.com/emanueleg/pla-ng|pla-ng - a phpLiteAdmin fork (aka phpLiteAdmin 2)]] ---- ===== Random & buggy notes/how to ===== * [[notes:zabbix-apcupsd-without-snmp|APC UPS Monitoring using apcupds (without SNMP)]] * [[notes:zabbix-long-queues|Fix long queues (too many delayed items)]] * [[notes:zabbix-active-agent|Configure an Active Agent]] * [[notes:zabbix-mysql-template|Monitor MySQL using Zabbix Agent and MySQL App Template]] * [[notes:net-snmp-errors-updated|How to fix net-snmp SNMPv2-PDU error in Debian 9]] * [[notes:mailqueue|Manage Postfix mail queue]] * [[notes:Change PDF image quality with gs]] * [[notes:remmina-vnc-raspberry|Connect to Raspberry Pi OS via VNC using Remmina]] * [[notes:webcame-timelapse|Grab a webcam and create a time-lapse video]] * [[notes:compress-canon-eos-mov-to-mkv|Compress Canon EOS MOV videos to MKV (and save up to 90% space)]] * [[notes:batch-image-processing|Batch image processing with mogrify]] * [[notes:remmina-rdp-unable-to-connect-error|Fix Remmina RDP "Unable to connect" error]] * [[notes:tinywires_library_for_arduino|TinyWireS Arduino Library for ATtiny44]] * [[notes:Avoid duplicated cron jobs with flock]] * ESP8266: [[esp8266:general-hardware-info|General hardware info]] and my [[esp8266:open-hardware-dev-board|ESP8266 Open hardware dev board]] * [[enrico-fermi-translations|Curated list of translations of Enrico Fermi's early works and articles]] * More old-fashioned noted available in the [[notes:archive|notes archive]]... ====== DISCLAIMER / MANLEVA ====== //Please remember that all software/commands/instructions in this wiki is still under development. Everything has **no warranty** and is **full of bugs** and **will probably crash your computer / delete all your data** sooner or later or **possibly cause you computer to explode**. The authors of this wiki are **not responsible** for any bad things which happens as a result of anyone downloading, compiling, running, executing commands, or thinking about this software and/or the instructions. So use at your own risk, and if your computer explodes try to remember what caused it so that we can fix that bug.//