Enrico Fermi: found in translation

The «Collected Papers» of Enrico Fermi, curated by E. Amaldi, H.L. Anderson, E. Persico, F. Rasetti, C.S. Smith, A. Wattenberg, E. Segrè, University of Chicago Press and Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 1962 containes most of the work written and published by the Italian physicist and Nobel-prize Enrico Fermi (see Accademia dei Lincei, "Collected Papers"). Actually, the Table of Contents lists all Fermi's work, although some of them (graphically preceded by a star) have not been included in the «Collected Papers».

The early works by Fermi were written and published in Italian, but they were often translated also in German and published abroad. Later, starting from 1933, the articles began to appear in English. The most important and known works written by Fermi were republished and made available in English. Hover, some works remained buried in the Italian libraries and available to Italian-speakers only. However, during the years, a few volunteers transcribed and translated in English his lectures and his first works.

I tried to find and collect all these efforts. Below you can find all the translated articles, numbered accordingly to the Bibliography proposed in «Collected Papers».

1. “Sulla dinamica di un sistema rigido di cariche elettriche in moto traslatorio”, Nuovo Cimento, 22, 199-207 (1921)
“On the dynamics of a rigid system of electric charges in translational motion”, translated by Donato Bini and Andrea Geralico PDF

2. “Sull'elettrostatica di un campo gravitazionale uniforme e sul peso delle masse elettromagnetiche”, Nuovo Cimento, 22, 176-188 (1921)
“On the electrostatics of a homogeneous gravitational field and on the weight of electromagnetic masses”, translated by Donato Bini and Andrea Geralico PDF

3. “Sopra i fenomeni che avvengono in vicinanza di una linea oraria”, Rend. Lincei, 31 (I), 21-23, 51-52, 101-103 (1922)
“On Phenomena Occurring Close to a World Line”, translated by Donato Bini and Andrea Geralico PDF

4c. “Correzione di una contraddizione tra la teoria elettrodinamica e quella relativistica delle masse elettromagnetiche”, Nuovo Cimento, 25, 159-170 (1923)
“Correction of a contradiction between electrodynamic theory and the relativistic theory of electromagnetic masses”, translated by Emanuele Alesci PDF

5. “Le masse nella teoria della relatività”, da A. Kopff, I fondamenti della relatività Einsteiniana, Eds. R. Conti and T. Bembo, Hoepli, Milano, 1923, pp. 342–344
“Masses in the theory of relativity”, translated by Emanuele Alesci PDF

7. “Formazione di immagini coi raggi Röntgen”, Nuovo Cimento 25, 63–68 (1923).
“Formation of images with Röntgen rays”, translated by Dino Boccaletti PDF

10. “Sulla massa della radiazione in uno spazio vuoto”, con A. Pontremoli, Rend. Licei, 32 (1), 162-164 (1923)
“On the mass of the radiation in an empty space”, translated by Dino Boccaletti PDF

12. “Il principio delle adiabatiche ed i sistemi che non ammettono coordinate angolari”, Nuovo Cimento, 25, 171-175 (1923)
“The principle of adiabatics and the systems which do not admit angle coordinates”, translated by Dino Boccaletti PDF

13. “Alcuni teoremi di meccanica analitica importanti per la teoria dei quanti”, Nuovo Cimento, 25, 271-285 (1923)
“Some theorems of analytical mechanics of great importance for quantum theory”, translated by Dino Boccaletti PDF

23a. “Sulla teoria dell'urto tra atomi e corpuscoli elettrici”, Nuovo Cimento, 2, 143-158 (1923)
“On the Theory of Collisions between Atoms and Electrically Charged Particles”, translated by Michele Gallinaro and Sebastian White PDF

29. “Sopra la teoria dei corpi solidi”, Periodico di Matematiche, 5, 264-274 (1925)
“On the cinectic theory of solids”, translated by Emanuele Goldoni and Ledo Stefanini PDF

30. “Sulla quantizzazione del gas perfetto monoatomico”, Rend. Lincei, 3, 145-149 (1926)
“On the quantization of an ideal monatomic gas”, translated by Dino Boccaletti PDF
“On the Quantization of the Monoatomic Ideal Gas”, translated by Alberto Zannoni PDF

31. “Zur Quantelung des idealen einatomigen Gases”, Z. Physik, 36, 902-912 (1926)
“On Quantizing an Ideal Monatomic Gas”, translated by Gilles Montambaux PDF

38b. “Un teorema di calcolo delle probabilità ed alcune sue applicazioni”, Teacher’s Diploma Thesis of the Scuola Normale di Pisa (1922)
“A theorem of calculus of probability and some applications”, translated by Dino Boccaletti PDF

43. “Un metodo statistico per la determinazione di alcune proprietà dell’atomo”, Rend. Lincei 6, 602–607 (1927)
“A statistical method for the determination of some properties of the atom”, translated by Simone Mercuri PDF
“Statistical method to determine some properties of atoms”, translated by Giovanni Gallavotti PDF

58. “Problemi attuali della fisica”, Annali dell'istruzione media, 5, 424-428 (1929)
“Contemporary Problems of Physics”, translated by Emanuele Goldoni and Ledo Stefanini PDF

79. “Le ultime particelle costitutive della materia”, Atti Soc. It. Prog. Scient., 22a riunione, vol. 2, 7-14, Bari (1933)
“The ultimate constituents of matter”, translated by Edoardo Milotti PDF

80a. “Tentativo di una teoria dei raggi β”, Nuovo cimento 11, 1-19 (1934)
“An attempt at a theory of β rays”, translated by Dino Boccaletti PDF
“An attempt to a β rays theory”, translated by Giovanni Gallavotti PDF

80b. “Versuch einer Theorie del β-Strhlen. I.”, Z. Physik, 88, 161-171 (1934)
“Attempt at a Theory of β Rays”, translated by Fred L. Wilson PDF

101. “Conferencias”, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Publicación 15, Buenos Aires (1934)
“Lectures”, translated by Alessandro De Angeli and José M. Kenn, PDF