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You can run a simulation to see what would happen if you upgrade/install a package:

apt-get --dry-run install <package> <pkgname>

(or -s)

apt-get install --donwload-only <pkgname>

(or -d)

apt-get update

so your package list is up-to-date,

apt-cache search
apt-cache show postgresql

the simplest way to see the description of a package:

apt-cache policy <package>

Otherwise it prints out detailed information about the

         priority selection of the named package (as a consequence, installed and candidate versions)

The apt-cache command can do keyword-based package searches with apt-cache search keyword. It can also display the headers of the package's available versions with apt-cache show package. This command provides the package's description, its dependencies, the name of its maintainer, etc.

How to upgrade a single package using apt-get? You just need to do apt-get install –only-upgrade <packagename>. This will upgrade only that single package, and only if it is installed.

notes/apt-trick.1412271967.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/02 17:46 by admin