Table of Contents
Mail server (for aliases only)
Initial cleaning
First of all, let's clean up our Debian 7 - 32 bit VPS
apt-get remove --purge cifs-utils samba samba-common sendmail apache2 apache2-doc apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils apache2.2-bin apache2.2-common apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install sudo mc vim
and install ntp (time is important!)
apt-get install ntp
Install mysql dbms
apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client
Getting mysql innodb error on your lowcost/cheap/crappy vps?
InnoDB: Error: io_setup() failed with EAGAIN after 5 attempts. InnoDB: You can disable Linux Native AIO by setting innodb_use_native_aio = 0 in my.cnf [...]
Then you can
- Disable AIO by adding
section) - Increase the global limit for the server in
(echo 65536 > /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr
) - Disable innodb (it's ok for our mail server)
To disable innodb add
skip-innodb default-storage-engine=MyISAM
under [mysqld]
in /etc/my.cnf
Now install a web server (needed for postfixadmin + webmail)
apt-get install php5-fpm php5-mysql php5-intl php5-imap nginx
Create web directories
mkdir /var/www mkdir /var/www/XYZ mkdir /var/www/XYZ/tmp mkdir /var/www/XYZ/www
edit site configuration file vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/mailing
server { server_name XYZ; root /var/www/XYZ/www; index index.php index.html index.htm; location ~ \.php$ { try_files $uri =404; #try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html; fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; include fastcgi_params; } location ~ /\. { deny all; } access_log /var/log/nginx/XYZ-access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/XYZ-error.log; }
disable default configuration and enable new one
rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/default ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/mailing /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/mailing
and finally
service nginx restart
Btw, to make Nginx use your 404.html custom page instead of the default one, inside the nginx.conf server section, add 404
error_page 404 /404.html; location /404.html { internal; }
Is a good idea, to block the access to that page, unless there is an error, so add also location
directive as show above.
Now login into mysql
mysql -u root -p
and create postfix/pfa users
CREATE DATABASE postfix; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON postfix.* TO 'postfix_admin'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<dbpassword1>'; GRANT SELECT ON postfix.* TO 'postfix'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<dbpassword2>'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
Download postfixadmin and untar in www directory
cd /var/www/XYZ/www wget\?use_mirror=garr -O pfa.tar.gz tar -xzvf pfa.tar.gz mv postfixadmin-2.3.7/ pfa/ chown -R www-data:www-data pfa cd pfa sed -i 's/change-this-to-your.domain.tld/XYZ/g'
Now edit configuration file and change these values:
$CONF['configured'] = true; $CONF['postfix_admin_url'] = 'https://XYZ/pfa'; $CONF['database_type'] = 'mysqli'; $CONF['database_host'] = 'localhost'; $CONF['database_user'] = 'postfix_admin'; $CONF['database_password'] = '<dbpassword1>'; $CONF['database_name'] = 'postfix'; $CONF['domain_path'] = 'YES'; $CONF['domain_in_mailbox'] = 'NO'; $CONF['fetchmail'] = 'NO';
Go to http://XYZ/pfa/setup.php
This setup script should create the necessary tables into postfix database.
At the bottom of setup.php enter your admin password and click ‘Gererate password hash’.
and add the hash:
$CONF['setup_password'] = '<hash>';
Now enter superadmin account info.
PostFix & Sasl
apt-get install postfix postfix-mysql libsasl2-modules libsasl2-modules-sql
When prompted, choose ‘Internet Site’.
Use yor domain name as ‘System mail name’: <>
Create virtual mail user and group:
groupadd -g 3000 vmail useradd -d /var/vmail -m -u 3000 -g 3000 vmail
Check mydestination in /etc/postfix/; it should look like
mydestination = <>, localhost
and add the following lines:
virtual_uid_maps = static:3000 virtual_gid_maps = static:3000 virtual_mailbox_base = /var/vmail virtual_mailbox_domains = mysql:/etc/postfix/ virtual_mailbox_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/ virtual_alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/ relay_domains = mysql:/etc/postfix/ virtual_transport = lmtp:unix:private/dovecot-lmtp smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_non_fqdn_hostname, reject_non_fqdn_sender, reject_non_fqdn_recipient, reject_unauth_destination, reject_unauth_pipelining, reject_invalid_hostname smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth milter_default_action = accept
Create the cf file for interfacing postfix and mysql
cd /etc/postfix/ wget tar -xzvf mysql_postfix_cf.tar.gz
(remember to set mysql password within config files!). Add postfix user to sasl group:
adduser postfix sasl
Enable secure smtp ports, edit /etc/postfix/ and uncomment:
submission inet n - - - - smtpd -o syslog_name=postfix/submission -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING smtps inet n - - - - smtpd -o syslog_name=postfix/smtps -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING
Restart service
service postfix restart
apt-get install dovecot-imapd dovecot-mysql dovecot-lmtpd
Edit /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-master.conf
service lmtp { unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/dovecot-lmtp { mode = 0600 user = postfix group = postfix } } service auth { # Postfix smtp-auth unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth { mode = 0666 } }
Restart services:
service dovecot restart service postfix restart
You can now add a domain with PostfixAdmin: first of all, chooese “Create a new Domain” and add your domain XYZ; then create mailboxes/aliases. To test your e-mail server, install mail tool
apt-get install bsd-mailx
And send a test mail
mail -s "My first outgoing mail" < /var/log/dmesg mail -s "My first local mail" < /var/log/dmesg
Any errors are found in logfiles:
/var/log/auth.log /var/log/mail.log /var/log/syslog
warning: do not list domain in BOTH mydestination and virtual_mailbox_domains warning: do not list domain in BOTH mydestination and virtual_alias_domains
in /var/log/mail.warn?
Remove domain from /etc/postfix/ and leave only hostname
mydestination = hostname.<del></del>, localhost
BTW, in /etc/hosts you should have something like localhost.localdomain localhost <server_ip> <hostname> <hostname>
- HTTPS [php5-mcrypt openssl ssl-cert]
- Dovecot pop3/imap + Mailboxes [dovecot-pop3d + sql .cf]
- Spam / AV filters
- Webmail
See [1] for what's missing